CZECHOSLOVAKIA. 1992. CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Prague. 1992. Charles Bridge.
Date: 1992
Magnum Photos
Black and white photograph of the Charles Bridge, in Prague, with the statues
and a dog on the bridge in silhouette.
Thinking about this assignment caused me to remember several stunning photographs of the 1968 invasion of Prague, with tanks rolling in,
etc., that I encountered first in a European history class, and looked up again
later before travelling to the city. The photographer, Josef Koudelka, is
famous for those images, and has since then been capturing scenes in Europe. I wanted to pick something newer, and so I
selected this photograph of his because it is a both a more modern (and
peaceful) image of Prague, but also a side of the Charles Bridge, Prague’s most
famous landmark, that I am not used to seeing. To me this is a somewhat quiet
photograph, with so much in dark and silhouette, and it makes the scene seem
more personable (and maybe even quaint?). I love the dog, which is the only
form really sharp and at the forefront. It almost looks as if the dog is paying
homage, or making his stop for some reason, while the few human travelers walk
on in the distance.